Friday, August 5, 2016

❻ 6days 5nights in New York City 六天五夜纽约之旅

纽约的第六天  Sixth day in New York

因为准备要回家 加上酒店非常舒服的关系
我们决定在房里吃早餐 在房里吃了一餐价格非常高 分量却很不美国式的早餐
所以收拾好行李之后 我们走到酒店附近 听说稍有名气的Joe‘s Shanghai 在填填我们的肚子
We decided to have our last breakfast in New York in our room, hence we ordered an American Breakfast set. Almost immediately, we regretted as it was pricey and the portion was small compared to other meals we had.
Right after we have done packing our luggage, we walk to a Famous Chinese Restaurant - Joe's Shanghai as we were still starving. (Try their Xiao Long Bao!)

因为还有挺多时间 加上我们的New York Pass还有效 当然得去看看更多景点咯
As there was still plenty of time before we have to head to the airport (plus our New York Pass is valid), so we decided to squeeze every penny out of it...

第一站 ➭ 圣巴德里爵主教座堂 St. Patrick Cathedral
在一座座很现代建筑的之间 显得很有特色 
First Stop  St Patrick Cathedral
The cathedral is located in the middle of the city surrounded by modern buildings.
St. Patrick Cathedral is one of the famous landmarks in NYC too!

第二站 ➭ 洛克菲勒中心 (观景台)Top of the Rockefeller
因为之前看了一步电影 How to Be Single, 女主角很爱在圣诞节时去这里
其实都是观景台 之间不一样的是 在洛克菲勒可以看到帝国中心 (废话,哈哈)
Second Stop ➭ Top of the Rock (Rockefeller)
Rockefeller is an observation deck. 
I felt that the only difference between Rockefeller and Empire State Building is that you can admire Empire State Building from Rockefeller and vice versa as they are near one another. =P

Top of the Rockefeller

第三站 ➭ 大中央总站 Grand Central Terminal
在这里坐着看人来人往 也是一种享受呢
Third Stop ➭ Grand Central Terminal
This is a working central terminal that appeared in countless movie scenes!
I can spend hours seating there and gazing people rushing to or from the train.

参观完我特别想去的景点 肚子也有点饿了 (走超多的)
Junior New York Cheese 位于Times Square
这是我觉得如果来纽约只能吃一样食物 我绝对会毫不犹豫选的
After visiting most of the attractions on my extensive list, it's time for high-tea!
Junior New York Cheese serves the best cheesecake I ever had!
They have a few outlets, but I visited the one in Times Square.

吃完无敌好吃又无敌出名的New York Cheese Cake
还有一些时间 就到Times Square里的 Starwars Exhibition 看看
After high tea session, we found out that there is a Starwars Exhibition just around the corner and our New York Pass do grant us free entry so off we went.

之后回酒店提我们的行李就准备回家啦 想到20多小时的行程 就怕怕的
Here marked our last stop in New York. After picking up our luggage from the hotel, it's time to go home. (20 hours journey is waiting for us =( )

I make a vlog for the trip, click here to watch!

纽约旅行的 一些小贴士☺ New York Travel Tips
❥ 时差:比新加坡和马来西亚慢12小时
Time difference: 12 hours behind Singapore & Malaysia

❥ 货币: 美金
Currency: USD

❥ 小费:所有餐馆都需要给小费 在收据上会注明 Gratuity 或者 Tips
15% 或者20% (比如你吃一餐USD100的需要给USD15) 除了快餐或者打包
Tips: It is required in all the dining places and it will be indicated on the receipt "Gratuity or Tips 15-20%"
 (eg: Dinner that cost you USD100, tips required USD15). However, if you are having fast food or take out, tipping is generally not required

❥ 消费:消费算高 尤其是曼哈顿 一餐加上小费 大约一人50美金左右
Expenses: Cost of living in New York is relatively high, especially in Manhattan. A meal plus tips will cost around 50 USD per person. 

❥ 语言:英语 但是我们亚洲人可能会比较不习惯他们的口音 你可以要求他们说慢一些 
Language: English! 

☺如果有其他疑问 可以通过脸书找我=)
Do not hesitate to contact me (thru Facebook) if you have any questions =)

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