Sunday, January 31, 2016

➂ 6 days 5 nights HUAHIN BANGKOK trip! 六天五夜 华欣 曼谷之旅!

☀ 第三天  ➂ Day 3 
但是酒店柜台小姐 告诉我们说车程最少五小时以上 可能需要更长的时间也不一定
所以我们改变计划 选择搭巴士回去 比较实际
在第二天就赶紧定上网定了 Bell Travel Service (第一天有提到)
我们预订了早上8点的车票 在 华欣巴士站上车
车程:4个小时,价格跟来的时候一样 下车地点是曼谷Suvarnabhumi机场
Bell Travel的巴士真的很舒服 我是个对于睡觉地点和环境比较计较的人
但是一上车就睡到曼谷了 (巴士所有人都睡了 哈哈)
Our original plan was to take train back to Bangkok
However, the receptionist at our hotel told us, the journey will take at least 5 hours or more
So we decided to take bus instead, more practical
We booked our bus at Bell travel service on the second day (mentioned in the first day post)
It is ok if you didn't get to print out your confirmation letter
We chose the 8am bus and departed at Hua Hin bus station
Journey to Bangkok: 4 hours, price same as before. Alight at Suvarnabhumi airport
Bell Travel service's bus is indeed comfortable even I am a fussy sleeper =P
I sleep through the journey like everyone does 


Hua Hin Bus Station @ Soi 96/1


We arrived Bangkok at 12 noon, took the Airport railway, then transferred to BTS to our hotel

我们在曼谷入住的酒店位于BTS Thong lo附近
刚开业不久的 Adelphi Forty-Nine
让我们选择的原因 是因为价钱非常合理 评价也很高
入住后感想 是 非常非常满意 房间什么都有
连洗衣机都有 还提供洗衣粉呢
有客厅 房间分隔 (买很多不怕没地方放=P)
只是离广场 和 热闹地区不是非常靠近 但是绝对是 物超所值
The Hotel we stay in Bangkok is located nearby BTS Thong lo
Adelphi Forty-Nine opened recently
The reason of it being chosen is the price and excellent review
After staying, I personally felt really satisfied
There is even a Washing machine with detergent provided!
The room is divided into two with living room and bed room
The only drawback is, the hotel is not located in shopping area but I feel it is good enough
Photo credit to Adelphi Forty-Nine

Photo credit to Adelphi Forty-Nine
这一天就呆在酒店 在酒店附近逛逛 找吃的
酒店附近有很多咖啡厅 也非常靠近 Sukhumvit Soi 38 食物街
我们几乎尝试了所有街上的食物 都非常不错
We spend our day at hotel and nearby
Adelphi is near to many cafe and also the Street Food at Sukhumvit Soi 38
We almost tried all the food on that street and are all good =D

☀ 第四,五,六天 ➃ ➄ ➅ Day 4,5&6 
因为第一次来曼谷 所以剩下的几天都沉沦在逛街买东西的瘾
也没有特别安排行程 就简单了做了一个像下面一样的列表 
大概知道哪些广场在哪里 还有什么景点可以去 有需要用的朋友不用客气啊
As this is my first visit to Bangkok, what I did was Shopping, Shopping and Shopping =P
I didn't plan any itinerary, just simply did a list (below) to know where each mall are located and what are the attraction to visit, If you need it just take =D

就这样结束了曼谷之旅 我很自信的以为自己可以买很多东西
This is how my Bangkok trip went, initially I thought that I could buy tons of stuff there
So I bought 50kg luggage to check in
But end up...

我真的很努力了 哈哈 战利品
I really did my best already!

我不是个很喜欢逛街买东西的人 一年我几乎买一次衣服而已 就是农历新年的时候
这次曼谷的收获 是我人生的一大奇迹
所以男朋友就说 以后我们可以一年来一次 就不用每天烦恼自己没有衣服穿了
可是他还说 他去坐着喝咖啡 要我自己去逛 (他怕了) 这次帮忙拿衣服他都累疯了
哈哈 曼谷真是女人的天堂
I am not a shopping person. Only shop once a year which is Chinese New Year
But this was a fruitful trip
So, D said if I want to, we can come Bangkok every year so I don't have to worry nothing to wear
But he add on with: I am gonna sit somewhere for coffee, so you go shopping your own, I think he is tired of carrying all the stuff. haha
Bangkok is such a Heaven for us ladies

End of 6 days 5 nights HUAHIN & BANGKOK trip!
到达曼谷Arrive Bangkok, 曼谷去华欣Bangkok to Hua Hin, Bell travel Service, Ayrest Hotel, Cicada Market

➁ 6 days 5 nights HUAHIN & BANGKOK trip! 六天五夜 华欣 曼谷之旅!
圣托里尼游乐园Santorini Park, 骆驼共和国Camel Republic, 小瑞士牧羊农场Swiss Sheep Farm, 小威尼斯Venezia, 怀旧小镇PlearnWan, 华欣夜市Hua Hin Night Market

➂ 6 days 5 nights HUAHIN & BANGKOK trip! 六天五夜 华欣 曼谷之旅!

再见华欣Bye HuaHin, Adelphi Forty-Nine, Sukhumvit Soi 38 食物街 Skhumvit Soi 38 Food Street, 曼谷广场Bangkok's Shopping mall list

➁ 6 days 5 nights HUAHIN & BANGKOK trip! 六天五夜 华欣 曼谷之旅!

☀ 第二天  ➁ Day 1 
原来打算 在华欣就到处打车 做TukTuk还是德士就好了
结果前一天晚上 在华欣晃了晃 还是决定包车
因为一路上实在没有看到德士 而且TukTuk价格也不便宜
但庆幸的是最后一分钟 还是有司机可以包 (价格大约:8小时2000Baht)
Initially we planned to travel by TukTuk or Taxi
However the previous night in Hua Hin has made us change our plan
As it is rarely to see a Taxi on the road and the price of TukTuk is not cheap too
(price range from 200-400Baht)
But luckily we did manage to find a one day tour driver (Price: 8 hours/ 2000Baht)

吃了早餐 就准备出发啦

跟司机约好早上9点30分 在大厅接我们
因为华欣的旅游胜地 都10点开门的
After breakfast, we are ready for the day!
We meet the driver at 9.30am in our hotel lobby.
As almost all the attractions in Hua Hin operate from 10am onwards.

 第一站 ➭ 圣托里尼游乐园

这里是华欣 必到之地
里面有很多店可以逛 也有游乐设施 (另外收费)
因为我们很早就到了 没有太多游客 可以随心所欲的拍照 不会有闲杂人等入镜 哈哈
First stop  Santorini Park
Entrance fee per person: 150Baht
Here is a must come attraction in Hua Hin
An ideal place for wedding photo shoot
Inside the park, there are shops selling all kinds of stuff and theme park facilities with extra charges.
We arrive at the park at 10am sharp, hence there were not many photo bombssss =P
Remember to fully charge your camera, which luckily I did 

我们在这里大概呆了一小时 拍了照 吃了猪肉丸粿条 就离开了

因为在不走 我的相机存量都要用完了=P
We spend almost one hour in the park, after having pork ball noodles, 
we move on to the next attraction.

II 第二站 ➭ 骆驼共和国

原本不在计划中 但因为圣托里尼有促销
买一送一 而且就在附近 所以当然就不要错过啦
Second stop ➭ Camel Republic
It is actually out of our plan, however as Santorini Park having 1 for 1 promotion,
and it is just around the corner so we add it on to our trip
But the facilities there are yet to complete

在这里 可以喂 骆驼,长颈鹿,绵羊,兔子等 动物

喂食的水果售价大约20-40Baht  (它们看起来都好饿哦)
在这里 我还是第一次近距离看到长颈鹿 它的舌头 
真的是 让我大喊 “天啊” 真的好长
In Camel Republic, we get to feed camel, giraffe, sheep, rabbit and etc
Pay 20-40Baht for fruit to feed them.
This is my first close encounter with giraffe, it's tongue make me scream like crazy =O


When we are feeding the animals

点击这里 Click HERE

III 第三站 ➭ 小瑞士牧羊农场

这里是我最期待来的地方了 因为有草泥马 <3
门票是长这样的 买票的时候那个售票员并没有跟我们说可以换取食物喂绵羊
Third stop  Swiss Sheep Farm
Entrance fee per person: 150Baht
This is the attraction that I was most looking forward to, as there are Alpaca <3
This is how the ticket look like, when we bought the ticket they didn't mention we can exchange feeds for sheep, luckily I read it carefully.


这里真的完全没有遮盖处 烈日当空 

坏就是 真的很晒 但是12月 华欣天气很凉快 所以还好
好就是 照片拍出来 完全不需要改图 =D
小瑞士里 有 驴子,绵羊,马儿 当然还有草泥马,不同时间还有动物表演比赛等
There is no shelter in the sheep farm
So sun block is a must, however the weather in December is quite windly
Photos taken in the farm don't even need a single touch up, natural lighting was sufficient =D
Inside the farm, there are Donkey, Sheep, Horses and Alpaca

草泥马 被隔在一个有冷气的房间里

那里需要另外收费 100Baht,要包上鞋子才能进入
在里面 跟它们 是零距离 接触哦 食物最好不要让小孩自己拿着 草泥马都饿呼呼的 哈哈
Alpaca is separated from the animals, they are in a air-conditioned room
To enter the room, there is a charges of 100Baht per person, and have to wrap up your shoe
Inside the room, you can touch and hug them but my advice is not to let the children feed them without parent guidance, all the Alpacas are hungry like crazy



但是它们真是超级无敌可爱的啦 我没有喂它们 因为我需要充当摄影师 (其实我是害怕 哈哈)

But they are indeed adorable, however I didn't get to feed them as I have to take up the position of photograher =P (Which the true is actually I am scare of them)
Look at D, he is so busy to entertain them

之后我们就在里面的小餐馆歇息了一会儿 男朋友买了瓶啤酒 我买了冰淇淋 来解暑

然后坐在里面 休息 欣赏风景 这里真的很漂亮
After which, D bought a bottle of beer and I get an ice cream
Sit in the place enjoy the scene and rest for a while
The place is indeed beautiful, the owner must have spend much thoughts to decorate its.

IV 第四站 ➭ 小威尼斯

如果有时间就来看看吧 里面有很多迷你版的各地旅游胜地
Fourth stop  Venezia
Entrance fee per person: Several packages to choose 
If you have time to do so, you may want to visit Venezia, 
there are a few mini version of world's attraction
We bought the package that can access to all the facilities
I chosen a few attraction that I personally find interesting to post below

这是小威尼斯的地图 和 里面的设施

The map of Venezia and the facilities 


UpSide Down House



3D 美术馆

Trick Eye Museum

小威尼斯后 我们就让司机送我们回酒店

因为其他景点 我们住的酒店免费接送服务都有去到
一整天在太阳下 也晒得昏昏的了
到酒店休息了一会 就乘搭酒店的接送服务去下一站啦
After visiting Venezia, we request driver to sent us back
As the hotel shuttle services offer the rest of the attractions
We head out to our next stop after a rest

V 第五站 ➭ 怀旧小镇

地方如其名 里面买的东西 设计 都非常复古
虽然地方有点小 但是吃的喝的 买的玩的 都有
真是麻雀虽小 五脏具全
我们只在这里拍了几张照片 就去下一个地方了
Fifth stop  PlearnWan
Entrance fee per person: Free
The name Plearnwan is derived from a combination of the English words,
Plearn= Play and Learn, Wan in Thai mean yesterday.
Here is indeed a nostalgic place with all the vintage stuff around
Although Plearnwan isn't big but you can definitely shop, eat and play here.
We stop to take a few pictures before we head on to the next stop.

VI 第六站 ➭ 华欣夜市

我们做了一件很傻又有趣的事 就是从上一站 走路 到 这一站
没有错 走路 因为地图显示 只有2还是3公里远
我们告诉给我们按摩的阿姨 她们都说我们很能走 哈哈
一路什么都没有 但是看到很多当地人的住处和生活方式 也挺不错
这夜市挺长的 也 非常热闹
有的按摩,吃晚餐,有道地美食, 手信,拖鞋 好像什么都有也
Sixth stop  Hua Hin Night Market
Entrance fee per person: Free
We do a silly but funny move, which walk from Plearnwan to here
Yes! WALK! as the map indicated only 2/3 km away.
When we told the Aunty who do massage for us, she give a shock face and say we really powerful=D
During the journey, nothing much but we get to see the residential area and local stuff, 
so I think is a great experience.
Hua Hin Night market is consider huge and crowded
You can find almost everything here, food, souvenir, massage services or clothes 

我们逛了差不多两个小时 就回酒店休息了

好长的一天啊 这也是我们在华欣度过的最后一个夜晚
华欣不大 大概比新加坡大一点
但是整个华欣是长形的 是个几乎没有交通灯的国家
就两条大路 来回 在这里的3天2夜我们U 转了不下20次 
所以就算很短的路好像也会变的很长 哈哈
We return to hotel after 2 hours
Such a long day, but this is also our last night in Hua Hin
Hua Hin isn't a big place, roughly the size of Singapore or slightly bigger
But Hua Hin is a long shape country with almost no traffic light
Only with two way main road, we at least U turn more than 20times during the trip =P

To be continue...
到达曼谷Arrive Bangkok, 曼谷去华欣Bangkok to Hua Hin, Bell travel Service, Ayrest Hotel, Cicada Market

➁ 6 days 5 nights HUAHIN & BANGKOK trip! 六天五夜 华欣 曼谷之旅!
圣托里尼游乐园Santorini Park, 骆驼共和国Camel Republic, 小瑞士牧羊农场Swiss Sheep Farm, 小威尼斯Venezia, 怀旧小镇PlearnWan, 华欣夜市Hua Hin Night Market

➂ 6 days 5 nights HUAHIN & BANGKOK trip! 六天五夜 华欣 曼谷之旅!

再见华欣Bye HuaHin, Adelphi Forty-Nine, Sukhumvit Soi 38 食物街 Skhumvit Soi 38 Food Street, 曼谷广场Bangkok's Shopping mall list

➀ 6 days 5 nights HUAHIN & BANGKOK trip! 六天五夜 华欣 曼谷之旅!

☀ 第一天 ➀ Day 1 

隔上一次写旅游博客 已经快一年半了
去年六月去了澳门香港 参加朋友婚礼  也只在面子书写了一篇小篇的游记 (懒惰极了)
这次博客重点是 华欣之旅 
回来后 好多朋友都问 华欣怎么去啊 怎么个玩法
而我去之前 安排华欣之旅 也真是困难重重 可能这个地方新 
能找到的资料 真的不多
还有另一个原因 就是男朋友 希望多些人去喂 草泥马
My last travel blog has been more than a year
Last June, D and I went to Macau & Hong Kong to attend a friend's wedding, however I only posted a short post on my Facebook.
Regardless, the focus point of this blog is on our Hua Hin's trip
After I came back from the trip, everyone has been asking about Hua Hin.
The research of Hua Hin before the trip was not easy too, maybe the place is just too new for tourist.
D also hope that will be more people feeding his favourite animal, Alpaca.

这次旅游 有小蚁运动相机的帮助 
拍照完全不需要 麻烦别人 
With the help of XiaoYi Action Camera
We can take nice picture without seeking others help 

因为第一天的行程 都花在交通上
所以我没打扮 没打扮也自然没有拍照了 
我们于新加坡时间 早上11点25分起飞 
泰国时间 下午12点50分达到曼谷 
(去泰国 好像借了一个小时似的 但是回来还是得还的 )
虽然飞机早到了 但是曼谷的关卡 整整让我们排了一个小时
As we will be spending our first day more on traveling 
Hence, I didn't dress myself up and no picture was taken 
Our flight departed at Singapore time zone 11.25am 
and Arrived at 12.50pm (Thailand's time zone is 1 hour slower)
Although we arrived earlier than expected, 
but it took us more than an hour to clear Bangkok's custom

一下飞机 当然是先买张电话卡
可以跟家人报平安 最重要可以能用地图导航
The first thing to do after touch down is of course to buy a Telecom card so that we can inform our love ones and most importantly,  access to map for navigation

因为要赶3点30分去华欣的巴士 所以午餐就在机场随便解决了
去华欣的 巴士票 最好是 在网上提早预订 
我差不多两个星期前就在 Bell Travel Service 预订了 (信用卡付款)
但是我只定了单程票 因为原本的打算是从华欣搭火车去曼谷的
两人票价: 548 baht  (24人豪华巴士 内有厕所 还有无线网虽然有些慢)
  1. 在长岸下车 (离城市最远)
  2. Dusit Thani酒店 (我选了这个,下车了好像只有一个选择就是让这家酒店的司机载你去你的酒店)
  3. 华欣巴士总站 (离城市最近)
巴士的位子 是这样的:
We took the bus from Suvarnabhumi Airport to Hua Hin at 3.30pm
My recommendation is to book the bus ticket in advance
I booked it 2 weeks before the trip from Bell Travel Service (payment by credit card)
However I only booked single trip as initially we wanted to take train to Bangkok
Price for 2: 548 baht (24 seated VIP Coach with toilet facilities and Wifi)
Journey: 4 hours
Pick up point: Suvarnabhumi Airport level 1 near gate 8
Drop off point: There is 3 options
  1. Bus stop in front of Bangkok Bank @ Cha-am intersection (furthest to town)
  2. Dusit Thani Hua Hin Hotel (I opted this, however drop off here you only have one option which is to hire the hotel's driver to send you to your hotel)
  3. Hua Hin Bus Stop on Hua Hin soi 96/1 (nearest to town)
This is how the bus interior seat arrangement look like:
Photo credit to Bell Travel Service

这次华欣酒店 我们选了 Ayrest Hua Hin Hotel
离城市不是很靠近 大约15-20分钟车程 不过酒店有免费载送到城市的几个地方
走个8分钟 有Family Mart可以买必需品
We choose Ayrest Hua Hin Hotel as our accommodation in Hua Hin.
Located 15-20 minutes away from town, however hotel provide free shuttle service to town
The nearest Family Mart is 8 minutes walk away.
Photo credit to Ayrest Hotel

我们大概 8点到达酒店
一到酒店 放下东西 就赶快搭8点30分的shuttle去Market village 
然后从Market Village搭 TukTuk去 Cicada Market (这样比较省钱 )
因为Cicada Market 只有在周末才有 而我们达到那天已经是星期天
We arrived at our hotel at around 8pm
Immediately put down our stuff and rush for the 8.30pm shuttle to Market Village
then from Market village we hired a TukTuk to Cicada Market, which is only opened on weekends (It was Sunday when we arrived and we are not going to miss it!!)
在Cicada Market 购物和买食物 都需要用固本
固本在入口处售卖 用不完的固本也可以在当天兑换回现金
All the transactions taking place in Cicada Market have to use Coupon
Coupon is sold at the entrance of Cicada, unused coupon can be refunded on the same day

Cicada Market 分为两个部分 一是吃的 一是买的
因为是艺术夜市 所以这里卖的东西挺独特 是个华欣年轻人售卖自己作品的地方
当然价格也比较不便宜 但是艺术无价!
There are two parts of Cicada Market
Food Area and Shopping Area
Cicada is considered as a Art market, hence most of the products selling here are handmade.
Price tag will be higher, but Art is priceless!

整天 坐飞机 坐巴士 赶来赶去 其实我们已经很累了
一到酒店时 其实有点想放弃不去Cicada Market了
Cicada Market 是我至今为止 去过最好的夜市
环境很干净 食物好好吃 
在这里 我吃到我觉得最好的Tomyum 和 Pad Thai
When we first arrive at Hua Hin, both of us already feeling exhausted
At first, we wanted to give up Cicada Market and just have a simple dinner
Luckily we didn't, or else it will be a big loss!
Cicada Market is the best night market I ever been, 
the environment is so hygienic and the food is so tasty!
I even found the best Tomyum and Pad Thai here!

到此一游 照
Tourist pose

To be continue...
➀ 6 days 5 nights HUAHIN & BANGKOK trip! 六天五夜 华欣 曼谷之旅!
到达曼谷Arrive Bangkok, 曼谷去华欣Bangkok to Hua Hin, Bell travel Service, Ayrest Hotel, Cicada Market

➁ 6 days 5 nights HUAHIN & BANGKOK trip! 六天五夜 华欣 曼谷之旅!
圣托里尼游乐园Santorini Park, 骆驼共和国Camel Republic, 小瑞士牧羊农场Swiss Sheep Farm, 小威尼斯Venezia, 怀旧小镇PlearnWan, 华欣夜市Hua Hin Night Market

➂ 6 days 5 nights HUAHIN & BANGKOK trip! 六天五夜 华欣 曼谷之旅!

再见华欣Bye HuaHin, Adelphi Forty-Nine, Sukhumvit Soi 38 食物街 Skhumvit Soi 38 Food Street, 曼谷广场Bangkok's Shopping mall list