Saturday, July 2, 2016

❶&❷ BERMUDA Summer trip! 夏天的百慕大!

☼ 百慕大的第一天  Day 1 in Bermuda 
飞行时间 13小时45分钟 新加坡和纽约时差-12小时
到达美国纽约肯尼迪国际机场 纽约时间晚上8点45分 (新加坡时间早上8点45分)
We left Dubai at local time 3pm
Flight duration: 13hours 45minutes, Time differences between Singapore and NY - 12hours
We arrived at John F. Kennedy (JFK) International Airport at New York time 8.45pm (Singapore 8.45am)

基本上就是 吃睡 看电影 打游戏 看书 吃了又睡。。。
一直重复 直到达到目的地 (挺舒适的生活) =P
当天因为从纽约飞往百慕大的航班 只有早上的 
所以我们选择在肯尼迪机场度过一晚 (没有机场酒店)
还好我们先前有所准备 带了睡袋 因为当晚纽约只有10-12摄氏度 (超冷的)
可是还是有很多人直接睡在地上 真的是服了他们
纽约治安并不是非常好 所以最好是轮流睡 不要同时一起睡着
Long Haul flight isn't that awful as we thought, basically just eat, sleep, watch movies and play games. (What a good life, right =P)
However, flight from New York to Bermuda only available in the morning for that day, hence we chose to spend a night in the Airport. (There isn't a airport hotel)
Fortunately, we bought a sleeping bag with us. Temperature at night: 10-12 degree celsius.
There are still many people who can sleep on the floor without any gear (respect).
I guess everyone knows that New York isn't a safe place, so my advice is sleep alternately.
And of course, I hope you guys will never have a chance to sleep in a Airport.

飞往百慕大的航班 是 纽约时间 早上8点35分的
飞行时间2小时27分钟 (奇怪怎么不是整数) 新加坡和百慕大时差-11小时
到达 百慕大 当地时间下午12点02分 (新加坡时间晚上11点02分)
Our flight from New York to Bermuda leave at 8.35am
Flight duration: 2hours 27minutes (I know is odd)
Time difference between Sg and Bermuda - 11hours
We touched down at Bermuda at local time 12.02pm (Singapore time 11.02pm)

来说点关于百慕大的 它是英国自治海外的领地 非常靠近美国
面积只有53.2 平方公里(很小对吧) 位于一个四周附近没有岛屿的海域 
至于可怕的 百慕大三角呢 百慕大其实是这神秘三角的其中一角
其实也没多神秘 因为我也安全归来啦=D
A little about Bermuda, a British island territory in the North Atlantic, off the eastern US.
Size of Bermuda, 53.2km² . Bermuda is located at an area with no islands surrounded.
Everyone has been asking, how about Bermuda Triangle? Bermuda is one of the angle.
Nothing mysterious, here I am  =P

一下飞机 就看到一片蓝蓝的天 清澈的海水 真的无比的美丽
View from the plane, look at that Blue Ocean and Ultra clean sea water.
点我看 飞机上眺望百慕大 Click me to view of Bermuda from the plane

到了机场 就 乘搭酒店安排的车到Fairmont Southampton酒店
(顺便一提 百慕大不允许旅客租车 或者擅自驾驶的)
办好入住手续 之后 当然是洗澡 (两天没好好洗澡了) 然后开始 会周公周女之旅啦
Then, we make our way to Fairmont Southampton Hotel by the Bus which has been pre-arrange.
(Another thing about Bermuda, Bermuda prohibits tourists from renting a car or to drive on the Island)
After checking in, we took a nice shower (after 2 days without a nice one), then drifted into our Lala Land Again =P

原来第一天的计划是有行程的 但是真的已经累到言语不能形容了
晚上起来吃了晚餐 又再去会周公去啦
就算随便吃顿饭 男士都需要穿衬衫 女士都需要穿裙子 (定位时可以问有Dresscode吗)
We are supposed to visit some attractions on the first day, but we really can't fight with the tiredness anymore.
Woke up at night for a nice dinner, then went back to sleep again.
Dressing appropriately is Bermuda's etiquette.
Gentlemen got to suit up and dress for lady, even for a casual dinner. (Check the dresscode when making reservation)
As the saying goes, when in Rome, do as the Romans do. So,

☼ 百慕大的第二天  Day 2 in Bermuda 

早上在酒店吃了早餐 Dennis有会要开 我只好自己到酒店附近走走
附近没什么特别的 就特别美=P
After having our breakfast in the hotel, Dennis went for meeting and I decided to walk around by myself.
Nothing special in my "Solo Trip", just some nice scenery and beaches.

然后 回去酒店FB直播了房间的乱况 Dennis就回来了
看天气很不错 就决定跑步到离酒店不会很远的吉布士山灯塔 (Gibb's Hill Lighthouse)
After Dennis came back from the meeting, we jogged to the Gibb's Hill Light House which is located nearby our hotel.

吉布士山灯塔建立于1846年 是世界上最古老的铸铁灯塔
登塔费用一人: USD 2.50
建议穿舒服的运动装和跑步鞋 因为梯级不少啊!
也不能爬得太慢 因为梯级很小 如果你停 后面所有人都得一起停了
Gibb's Hill Light House, the oldest cast iron lighthouse in the world which built in year 1846.
To climb up the lighthouse, first, visit the souvenir's shop for tickets.
Ticket per pax: USD 2.50
My advice is to wear comfortable attire and sport shoe, there are hundred of stairs to climb!
and "Climb slowly" is not advisable, as the stairs are narrow and tight. Should someone stop at the stairs, it will cause human congestion at the back.

但是每隔不久 就有很多关于灯塔的资料和有趣的介绍
However, there are some fun facts about the Lighthouse before you reach the top.
So you can take this chance to read and rest.

到了顶点 观景的入口 门很小 所以大家都需要弯身出去
如果你惧高 需要有心理准备哦 =P
The door to the breathtaking view is quite small, so everyone got to bend themselves =P
If you have fear of heights, then prepare yourself well!

塔上 几乎可以观看到整个百慕大
风景无敌漂亮 但是风也很大 能站的位子并不是非常宽
You can see the entire Bermuda on top of the Lighthouse. View was out of this world!
At the same time, wind was strong and place to stand is relatively small.
To be honest, I am kind of scared

塔上风景视频? 点我
View of the scene? Click Me!

在百慕大的第二天 碰巧是 Bermuda Day 当地会有很多庆典
这天也是很多当地人 每年第一次下水的日子 (平时天气很冷 水温也很低)
我们搭船到皇家海军船坞(Royal Naval Dockyard) 凑凑热闹
Day 2 in Bermuda was Bermuda Day.
There are many celebrations going on in the island. Bermuda day is also traditionally the first day of the year when locals will take a dip into the sea. (Other days might be too cold)
So we went to the Royal Naval Dockyard to see what is happening in the town.

跟大家一起玩游戏 (没有太多照片)
之后就回酒店休息啦 身体还是非常不适应时差 所以需要一直休息
There are many games going on and we participated in some of them. (Sorry, no photos)
After a long day, we went back to the hotel and rest before another long day comes.

To be continue...
❶&❷ BERMUDA Summer trip! 夏天的百慕大!
第一天  Day 1: 美国纽约肯尼迪国际机场转机Transit - John F. Kennedy (JFK) International Airport at New York, 纽约机场过夜Overnight layover at JFK, 到达百慕大Arrive Bermuda , 入住Fairmont Southampton 酒店Check in Fairmont Southampton, 百慕大晚餐礼仪Dinner Etiquette in Bermuda
第二天  Day 2: 酒店附近闲逛Walk around Fairmont Southampton, 吉布士山灯塔Gibb's hill Lighthouse, 百慕大节庆Bermuda Day

❸ BERMUDA Summer trip! 夏天的百慕大!

百慕大必点Bermuda Signature Fish Chowder, 汉密尔顿市Hamilton City/ City of Hamilton, Front Street, Lili Bermuda香水, 百慕大议会大楼Bermuda Sessions House, 百慕大大教堂(主教教堂) Cathedral of The Most Holy Trinity, City Hall & Arts Centre, 百慕大公共巴士 Bermuda's Public Bus, 晚餐Dinner @ Hamilton Princess, 百慕大的百鸟齐鸣Bird Chirping in Bermuda

❹ BERMUDA Summer trip! 夏天的百慕大!

百慕大交通日票Transport pass, 百慕大橙色渡船路线Bermuda Orange Route (Ferry), 圣乔治镇St. George Town, The Deliverance, 国王广场King's Square, Town Hall, 圣彼得教堂 (英国圣公会)St. Peter's Church, 百慕大香水工厂The Bermuda Perfumery, 历史重演Ducking Stool Re-enactment, Wahoo's Bistro & Patio, 未完成的教堂Unfinished Church, Tobacco Bay, Beautiful Dead end that near Tobacco Bay, Crystal Cave and Fantasy Cave, Swizzle Inn

❺ BERMUDA Summer trip! 夏天的百慕大!
Church Bay 浮潜Snorkelling, Fairmont Southampton 私人海滩Private Beach, 百慕大的黄昏Sunset at Bermuda, Bermuda Travel Tips去百慕大前的 一些小贴士

Other that than...
❶✈ 迪拜 转机 10小时 短暂停留!
Casio Fr100, 阿联酋航空Emirates Airline, 哈利法塔Burj Khalifa, 迪拜购物中心The Dubai Mall, 迪拜机场冲凉设施Shower facilities in Dubai Airport

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