Saturday, July 2, 2016

❺ BERMUDA Summer trip! 夏天的百慕大!

☼ 百慕大的第五天 ⑤Day 5 in Bermuda ☼ 
前一晚 吃了药在酒店睡了整半天 就是希望这一天可以不要在发烧了
来到百慕大五天了 都还没有下过水 那无敌清澈的水 每天都见到动不到
这一天 我也不想管了 虽然Dennis再三阻止
The fifth day in Bermuda, and we still yet to take a dip into the water.
Can see Cannot touch, as I am still having fever, Dennis restricted me from going into the water.
But I got better on the fifth day, so it convinced him=)

我们在酒店租了浮潜的用具 然后搭巴士到酒店附近的Church Bay
We rented snorkelling gear from the hotel and made our way to Church Bay.
My sick face=(

Dennis 虽然一直说生病不要去 没关系 
可是我知道他是无敌想要来沙滩 和下水的 (看他那灿然的笑容)
Although, Dennis kept telling me he is fine even we did not go to the beach and into the sea, but I knew he wanted to get into the water so badly. (Look at the smile)

Suit up!

因为我只略识水性 所以Dennis一直牵着我
但是水真的好冷 好冷 好冷(20多摄氏度) 加上我还病着 我真的没有办法下水
浪也不小 为了不要扫他的兴 我只好一个人上岸 让他自己去享受咯
Dennis kept holding on me as I can't swim =(
But the water temperature is as low as 20+ degree celsius plus I have not fully recovered.
I really can't go into the water, so I decided to give up and not be a burden.

坐在粉红沙滩上欣赏这天连海 海连天的美丽风景 
粉红沙是自然生态形成的 海里的生物咬碎了粉色的贝壳 
然后冲上岸就变成了粉色的沙滩啦 所以Pink Beach不是整片都是粉红色的哦
What I can do is to sit on the pink beach and enjoy the sea view.
Pink beaches are natural architect. There are formed when marine life crushed the pink shell and shored.

突然很多人同时上岸 我以为发生了什么事情
原来有一个妹妹被水母叮 过不久那水母也搁浅了
我曾经在网上看过这一类水母 如果没有错 非常毒! 但它也真的很漂亮
Suddenly, everyone left the sea at the same time.
I was shocked at first but then realised a girl was stung by a jellyfish. 
The Jellyfish was stranded after a few minutes.
I saw it somewhere on the internet before, if I am not wrong, this type of Jellyfish is really poisonous!
过后有善心人士 用树枝把水母放回海里
顺便一提 Church Bay没有人看管 所以发生什么事情 后果自负
After the commotion died down, a kind soul put the Jellyfish back to the sea.
By the way, there are no life guard watching at Church Bay, so do everything at your own risk.

Church Bay
后面大家都在围观 搁浅的水母=O

因为水母事件 很多人都上岸
我们也决定回去酒店的私人海滩 至少有急救设施等
Due to the Jellyfish incident, many people left Church Bay and so did we.
We went back to the Fairmont private beach, at least there are first aid facilities if anything happens. (touchwood)

Fairmont的私人海滩 浪比较小 我勉强半身还能下水
Yea 我终于下水啦!!!!!
The wave was smaller at the private beach, so I manage to get myself into the water!
Yay, like finally.

在海边度过了整个下午 然后就回酒店收拾房间啦
We spent the whole afternoon at the beach then do some packing before we leave this beautiful place the next day.

晚上到Fairmont私人海滩吃晚餐 看日落
后悔前几天都没有到沙滩 以下是原图! 真的是风景似画
We had our dinner at the private beach  on our last night with that beautiful sunset.
Should have came earlier! Photos below are original with no filters!!!

百慕大的每一个角落 都真的让我很难忘
每一个人都会互相打招呼问好 很热情 很友善
如果有机会 我真的希望能在到这美丽又热情的百慕大 
虽然要飞两天(加转机)才能达到 但是值了
I am really in love with every corner of Bermuda. This place is missable and unforgettable!
People greet one another whenever and wherever, super friendly and warm!
Hopefully I can visit Bermuda again. 
Although it means 2 days flight (with transit) but its definitely worth it!

去百慕大前的 一些小贴士☺ Bermuda Travel Tips
❥ 时差:比新加坡和马来西亚慢11小时
Time difference: 11 hours behind Singapore & Malaysia

❥ 货币: 百慕大拥有自己的货币 但是不容易兑换 所以岛上都接受美金
(美金在百慕大比较常用 在岛上我们基本上没有接触到百慕大元) 
兑换率是  1美金:1百慕大元 
如果你没有打算收集 最好把百慕大元在岛上花光 因为它也不容易兑换成其他货币
Currency: There is Bermudian Dollar, however it isn't easy to get. and US Dollar are widely use in Bermuda!
Ratio: 1USD: 1BMD
If you are not intend to make them a collection, my advise is to spend them all in Bermuda. 

❥ 小费:在百慕大消费 需要给小费 有些已经包括在内 然后会注明 Gratuity 或者 Tips
如果没有包括的 需要给15% 或者20% (比如你吃一餐USD100的需要给USD15)
Tips: Bermuda has tips culture like US, however some of the bills already included them and marked under "Gratuity" or "tips". If it is not, then you have to pay a minimum 15% on the bills or 20%. (eg: Dinner that cost you USD100, tips required USD15)

❥ 消费:百慕大的消费算高 因为它完全就是个旅游胜地 所以如果想要购物 这不是个好地方
Expenses: in Bermuda is relatively high, as it is a tourist attraction! If you want to shop, then this isn't a good place to go.

❥ 穿着:百慕大挺注重礼仪 虽然比起以前好很多 但是比起其他欧洲美国国家 
百慕大还是保守了些 所以穿比基尼在路上走 是不礼貌的哦
午餐还好 大多吃晚餐的地方都有Dress code 男士需要穿衬衫 女士则需要穿长裙
可以先打去餐馆问Dress code 
男士在百慕大穿Bermuda shorts 非常受欢迎 对他们而言 Bermuda shorts也属于formal哦=)
Dress code: Bermuda do emphasis their "Bermuda's etiquette", it is more open minded compared to the past, but it is still stricter compared to many other European and American countries. So, walking on the street with just Bikini is consider unacceptable.
Especially dinner, most restaurants has dress code to follow, do check with the restaurant through online or call =)
PS: Bermuda shorts for guys are popular in Bermuda, and it is considered as formal!

❥ 语言:英语 但是我们亚洲人可能会比较不习惯他们的口音 你可以要求他们说慢一些 
Language: English! 

❥ 文化:百慕大的人都非常热情和有礼貌 他们会跟不认识的人打招呼聊天 
所以不要觉得被吓到 他们没有恶意的
Culture: Bermudian are really friendly and warm! They will say hi and talk to everyone even to strangers! So, don't feel shock when they do =)

❥ 治安:我个人觉得非常好 在去之前有上网查询了一下 百慕大的犯罪率是高 
但是因为地方小 人也少 所以比率就比较高 罪案通常都是当地的一些党争
Security: I personally think Bermuda is super safe! Did some research before I went Bermuda, and found out Bermuda has high crime rate. But it is mainly due to the small population, hence one will have great impact! and it usually happen between local and not to tourist.

☺如果有其他疑问 可以通过脸书找我=)
Do not hesitate to contact me (thru Facebook) if you have any further question =)

To be continue...
❶&❷ BERMUDA Summer trip! 夏天的百慕大!
第一天  Day 1: 美国纽约肯尼迪国际机场转机Transit - John F. Kennedy (JFK) International Airport at New York, 纽约机场过夜Overnight layover at JFK, 到达百慕大Arrive Bermuda , 入住Fairmont Southampton 酒店Check in Fairmont Southampton, 百慕大晚餐礼仪Dinner Etiquette in Bermuda
第二天  Day 2: 酒店附近闲逛Walk around Fairmont Southampton, 吉布士山灯塔Gibb's hill Lighthouse, 百慕大节庆Bermuda Day

❸ BERMUDA Summer trip! 夏天的百慕大!

百慕大必点Bermuda Signature Fish Chowder, 汉密尔顿市Hamilton City/ City of Hamilton, Front Street, Lili Bermuda香水, 百慕大议会大楼Bermuda Sessions House, 百慕大大教堂(主教教堂) Cathedral of The Most Holy Trinity, City Hall & Arts Centre, 百慕大公共巴士 Bermuda's Public Bus, 晚餐Dinner @ Hamilton Princess, 百慕大的百鸟齐鸣Bird Chirping in Bermuda

❹ BERMUDA Summer trip! 夏天的百慕大!

百慕大交通日票Transport pass, 百慕大橙色渡船路线Bermuda Orange Route (Ferry), 圣乔治镇St. George Town, The Deliverance, 国王广场King's Square, Town Hall, 圣彼得教堂 (英国圣公会)St. Peter's Church, 百慕大香水工厂The Bermuda Perfumery, 历史重演Ducking Stool Re-enactment, Wahoo's Bistro & Patio, 未完成的教堂Unfinished Church, Tobacco Bay, Beautiful Dead end that near Tobacco Bay, Crystal Cave and Fantasy Cave, Swizzle Inn

❺ BERMUDA Summer trip! 夏天的百慕大!
Church Bay 浮潜Snorkelling, Fairmont Southampton 私人海滩Private Beach, 百慕大的黄昏Sunset at Bermuda, Bermuda Travel Tips去百慕大前的 一些小贴士

Other that than...
❶✈ 迪拜 转机 10小时 短暂停留!
Casio Fr100, 阿联酋航空Emirates Airline, 哈利法塔Burj Khalifa, 迪拜购物中心The Dubai Mall, 迪拜机场冲凉设施Shower facilities in Dubai Airport

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