Sunday, November 16, 2014

海之味(S.E.A 海洋馆) Ocean Restaurant by Cat Cora Sentosa

自从那天跟男朋友去海之味 庆祝二周年之后
不断有人问我 海之味的价格 食物和环境等等
Since the day, My boyfriend and I celebrate our 2nd Anniversary at Ocean Restaurant
Many friends have been asking about the price, food and atmosphere
Here you go.. I am going to share it here =)

先来点餐馆 的 点滴吧
Details of the restaurant

营业时间  Operating Hours
午餐Lunch:11.30am - 3pm(Last order @ 2.15pm)
晚餐Dinner:  6pm - 10.30pm(Last order @ 10pm)

电话号码 Tel No.
+65 6577 6688

电子邮件 Email

海之味 网址  Ocean Restaurant's website

问: 需不需要 预定啊?
答案是 如果你要靚位 就一定要提早预订 还有 记得备注 要靠近大鱼缸的位子
Ask: Do you need to book reservation in advance?
Answer is YES, if you want an exclusive view seat, reservation is a must! Remember to remind them you want a seat that is near to the aquarium!

他们都会把未经预约的顾客 放在第二或者第三排
They usually give walk in guest second or third row from the aquarium
(that's actually a mirror)

我一个月前就预定了 因为早前就决定在那里庆祝二周年
不想扫兴的话 越早越好
Ask: When to book reservation?
I booked it one month in advance as we decided to celebrate at there long time ago
To avoid disappointment book it as soon as you have decided!

So we got a nice view seat!

这是他们家 的桌子摆设
海之味 属于高级餐饮
所以顺便一提 餐具 从外开始使用 最左和最右 通常是第一道佳肴的餐具 依此类推
This is their table settings
Ocean restaurant is a Fine dining restaurant
So a tips for the cutlery, always start from the outer cutlery and work in after every dishes.

海之味所有的食物 包括面包 都是自家制作的
完全没有 进口别家的食物
All the food from Ocean Restaurant including bread are made by their chef
Absolutely no imported food

Visual Enjoyment!

非常值得一提的是 海之味 不仅环境棒 食物也一流!
男朋友点了 套餐 而我因为非常挑食 只好选择单点了
Ocean Restaurant is not just a nice decorated place but their food is awesome too!
Boyfriend ordered a set meal and due to my pickiness, I can only go for A la carte =P

上菜啦! 首先是我们的开胃菜
男朋友套餐内的 Tartare of Hokkaido Scallop
千万别问我 味道如何 因为 我只专注在吃自己的 42ºC Sous Vide Salmon
我点的是他们家的招牌菜 只能说 我不吃生鱼 但这生鱼也太赞了
超新鲜 口感超好!再来一次吧!
First of all, is our appetiser
Boyfriend's Tartare of Hokkaido Scallop
Don't ask me how it taste, because I am paying full attention to my 42ºC Sous Vide Salmon
I ordered their signature dish, all I can say is I seldom take raw food but this salmon taste fantastic!
Ultra fresh! Taste super ! Encore please!

再来是 男朋友套餐内的Cream of Celeriac
And here is boyfriend's Cream of Celeriac (soup in the set meal)

主菜! Main Course!

Roasted Lamb Neck
因为我不吃羊肉 所以啊 无可奉告
As I don't take lamb so hmm I got no comment.

Seared Seafood - Fresh Fish, Scallop & Lobster w/ Crab Roe Risotto
每一样海鲜 基本上就是一口 但真是我吃过最新鲜的海鲜!
还有他们家烩饭 也是我目前为止 吃过最好吃的了
Basically the portion is small but is the freshest seafood I ever had!
Their Risotto are also the best I ever tried

甜品 Dessert
Combination of Sorbet and Ice cream

Mont Blanc
这个去到真的一定要点! 尤其是热爱巧克力的
A must for chocolate lover! Strongly recommended!

还有特地为我们准备的 周年庆 蛋糕
Special cake for our anniversary 
So sweet of them
吃饱之后 就想说 去水族馆走走 
问了服务员 他们说需要在他们陪同下 才允许进入 
After our dinner, I suggested taking a walk in the SEA Aquarium
We then check with the service staff and they said is allow but with they have to be around as well.

虽然水族馆也去过几次 但是只有我倆的水族馆 感觉超超超好!
Although we have been there several time, there is only the two of us, The feeling is superb!

散步完毕 又回到位子上 喝茶 拍照
After a walk, back to our seat. Tea, and of course photo taking session

就坐在那里看鱼游啊游 心里在想 其实 我们看鱼 鱼也在看我们 哈哈
突然来了一大群的鱼儿 就赶快拍了几张照片
Hmm.... Are we watching the fish or are the fishes scrutinising us?
Suddenly a group of fishes swim toward us 

海之味 晚餐的菜单 
Ocean Restaurant's Dinner Menus

也顺便问了 午餐的菜单 但是没有拍照=P
午餐时间 听说比较热闹 价格也比较便宜
套餐 60 ++
I also asked about their lunch menu, but did not manage to take any picture
Lunch time is usually more crowded but prices are more competitive
Set lunch average 60++

可能因为我食量本来就不大 所以我吃得挺饱的
只能说贵的值得 这里吃的每一口都是厨师们的精心作品
好的材料 + 好的烹饪功夫 吃的很满足
This is how we spend our 2 hours in the Ocean restaurant
Maybe as I am a small appetite person, I felt so full after
But I think it worth it!
Good ingredient + Good culinary skill = I am so satisfied!

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